
I’m Ruth Dawkins, a writer from a tiny island in the north of Scotland. You might also know me as DorkyMum. In 2013 I moved from the UK to Tasmania, where the cold winters, beautiful sunsets and generous measures of whisky make me feel very much at home. I currently live in Hobart with my husband Young and our teenage son Tom (also known as The Hobart Aviation Fan!).

As a copywriter I’m comfortable working across a range of topics, but my particular areas of interest and expertise include science and environment, travel and tourism, not-for-profits and the public sector. I also love working with sole traders and small businesses as I have such personal experience with the challenges they face. My recent clients have included CSIRO, Brand Tasmania, Hydro Tasmania, NRM South, Huon Valley Council, Tourism Tasmania, the University of Tasmania, the Antarctic Science Foundation, and Tasmania Parks and Wildlife Service.

As a feature writer I have been widely published in local, national and online press, for titles including The Washington Post, the Guardian and Observer, Time Out, SBS Life, Kidspot, The Lifted Brow, and The Crafty Pint. In 2011, I edited the Kids Section of Fest magazine, commissioning and writing reviews of children’s shows at the Edinburgh Festival.

I have more than ten years of experience in communications and community engagement roles in a diverse range of organisations, including the Tasmanian Writers Centre, the Stop Climate Chaos coalition, Edinburgh University Students Association, Save the Children UK, the Scottish Green Party, Christian Aid, and the WWF/Ben and Jerry’s Climate Change College.

If your organisation is looking for help with copywriting, or if you are an editor who would like to commission me, please get in touch.

Photo credit: Margaret Clift