
Copywriting, freelance life

January 2024: some recent work

We have somehow reached the end of January already!

It’s still school holidays here in Tasmania for another week, but now that my kiddo is a little older – and very able to entertain himself – I’ve managed to get some work done over the last few weeks and thought I would share some links with you.

Continue reading “January 2024: some recent work”


2023: A Year in Reading

Photo shows the pages of a book with text overlaid that reads '2023: A Year in Reading'


One of my favourite things to do in the relatively calm week between Christmas and New Year is take a moment to reflect on my year in reading. 

My Instagram account @ruthreadsbooks has made that task a bit easier because the covers jog my memory on books that I’ve particularly loved or found interesting – but for the grand tally I still rely on my written reading journal.  Continue reading “2023: A Year in Reading”

Copywriting, Feature Writing

October 2023: Some recent work

This is a bit of a fly-by blog post!

I’m just back from a wonderful three weeks visiting family and friends in the UK, and my inbox needs more than a little attention… but the list of articles I’ve had published recently has also been growing steadily. I thought I’d better pop some links up here before I start delving into new work.

It has been an especially busy spell for my work with CSIRO. The pieces I’ve worked on for them recently include:

I have a couple of other CSIRO articles in the publication pipeline, which I’ll share in my next post.

It has also been quite a busy time with Brand Tasmania. Not all of those articles have made it onto the website yet, but the two that have are about Archie Matteo from Westhaven Dairy, and Royce Smith from Granville Harbour Wind Farm.

Finally, I was really pleased to help out the team at Swansea Beach Chalets with content for their revamped website. Swansea Beach Chalets is our favourite place to stay on Tasmania’s East Coast, and it was an honour to help them showcase some of what they have to offer!

Thanks for taking the time to check out some of my recent work. Now, back to that inbox… and let’s see what I’m going to be working on next!


Photo by Aaron Burden on Unsplash


Copywriting, Writing

July 2023: some recent work

A photograph of a typewriter sitting on a table, with the caption 'Recent work: July 2023'

It’s only been about a month since I last posted links to some recent pieces of mine, but I’ve been so busy recently that I thought I would post a few more – before the list gets out of hand!

  • Let’s start with the most recent pieces I’ve worked on for CSIRO. The first is on building resilient seafood supply chains, the second is a piece about direct air capture that I contributed to, the third is about CO2 utilisation in the Northern Territory, and the fourth is about all the work going on behind the scenes to make sure Australia’s energy grid can deal with the huge changes that are coming over the next decade.
  • Next up, it’s another story that I’ve worked on for Brand Tasmania. These are always great fun to do, and a real inspiration to see what’s taking place around our state. Pop over for a read about disability advocate Jane Wardlaw. I’ve written a couple more of these stories that are still in production and haven’t yet been published, but I’ll share the links as soon as I can.
  • Finally, here’s a post that’s not from me, but is from my 14 year old son. He’s currently learning to fly with Par Avion, and six months after starting the lessons he has written a blog post abut how it’s all going. Pop over and show him some support with a like or a comment!



Photo by Daria Kraplak on Unsplash

Copywriting, Feature Writing, freelance life, Writing

May 2023: Some recent work

Just a very quick post from me today to share some recent pieces I’ve had published.

These three links say more than I ever could about the diversity of work that comes my way as a freelancer!

Firstly, I was so pleased to have an essay published in Guardian Australia, reflecting on the ten years that have passed since we first visited Tasmania, and everything that has happened in that time. I’ve had a lovely response to the piece, which I was initially just going to pop on my own DorkyMum blog, so I’m very grateful to the Guardian team for giving it a home and helping it find a bigger audience.

You can read that here: I was told to live like a tourist after my 18,000km move. But I owe Tasmania more than that. Continue reading “May 2023: Some recent work”


Inspiring Tasmanian Stories

Brand Tasmania have been showcasing the inspiring stories of women across the state, and I’ve been lucky enough to work on a few of those pieces.

For an incredible overview of the industries and communities across Tassie that women are involved with, check out the video that was commissioned for International Women’s Day... and then maybe take some time to dig deeper into the individual profiles.

Two of the profiles that I wrote are up on the Tasmanian website now. First is Andi Lucas, founder and managing director of X-Hemp, and second is Rebecca Kissling, owner and curator of An Artistic Affair in Oatlands.

I’ll look forward to sharing a few more Tasmanian stories with you soon!


Photo by S O C I A L . C U T on Unsplash

Copywriting, Writing

Navigating the net zero transition

My latest piece for CSIRO was published recently, and I thought I’d share a link here because it’s really interesting topic.

The feature was for CSIRO’s Resourceful Magazine, which is focused on content that’s relevant to the minerals value chain, from mining exploration to metal production.

I was lucky enough to speak with some researchers from the recently established Valuing Sustainability Future Science Platform about the work they are doing mapping out potential routes to a decarbonised society – and ensuring that issues of social justice and fairness are taken into account.

I think this is a really important part of the net zero conversation which is often skimmed over in favour of a technology focus, and I’m really pleased to see the national science agency starting to work in this space. I’m excited to see what happens with the Valuing Sustainability FSP over the next couple of years.

If you’d like to read the article, take a look here: Navigating a Path to Sustainability.



Photo by rafael albornoz on Unsplash

Copywriting, Feature Writing

February 2023: some recent writing work

Black text that reads 2023 on a great background

Happy New Year! I hope you all had a wonderful, restful break over the festive period, and you’ve started 2023 feeling enthusiastic and energised!

Here in Tasmania, schools only went back a couple of days ago. While I did manage a few bits and pieces of work over the holidays, it’s nice to be getting those longer stretches of uninterrupted and focused time again.

I thought I would share links a few recent pieces of work. It’s great fun having this blog to look back on and remind myself of what a variety of projects I do each year.


Photo by Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash


2022: A Year in Books

A photo of a white book on a white background with the caption '2022 - a year in reading'.


There’s still over a week of 2022 to go – time for at least one or two more books – but I’m taking a moment today to look back at my reading diary and share a few of my favourites. 

I do this every year, and it’s always great fun to remember some of the good (and not so good!) books that have passed through my hands.

Overall, this has been a great year for books!  Continue reading “2022: A Year in Books”


My latest for CSIRO

Photo shows a black, green and blue image that looks like electricity emanating from a black ball. In the corner is a box that reads 'Writing for CSIRO'

CSIRO is one of my very favourite clients.

Sometimes I have to pinch myself, because I feel like it’s a huge privilege helping some of Australia’s top researchers communicate their findings to a wider audience.

The briefs I receive from the Communications Managers across different CSIRO business units are always very thorough and clear, and every single piece I have written has taught me something. The breadth and depth of work that the national science agency undertakes is truly astonishing.

That diversity is on show if you take a quick look at the last three pieces I wrote for CSIRO.

The first: a look at the importance of biodiversity in water assessments in Northern Australia.

The second: proteins of the future, and how CSIRO is working with companies on precision fermentation.

Finally: an exploration of the work CSIRO is doing with a consortium of other organisations to examine the potential impacts of deep sea mining.

I have three other pieces due to be published in the coming weeks, and they are equally varied: they’re on carbon sequestration, indicator minerals for nickel exploration, and potential impacts on regional branding from gas development. Phew! I’ll look forward to sharing those with you very soon.


Photo by Moritz Kindler on Unsplash